
Monday, July 28, 2014

What's crack-a-lackin! - Week 38

So there is really only one experience I want to share from this week, and it is incredible.

So I've talked a lot about Johnny W. Him and Mariana have been married for about 4-5 years now. She started coming back to church at the end of last year and Johnny started taking the missionary lessons this January. I met him one of the first few days I was here in the valley. So I've known him for about 4 months now and have seen how his life has changed as he has applied the principles from the gospel. He has been coming to church the past few weeks and each week we can see that he is more and more excited. We have felt prompted quite a few times now to invite him to be baptized but something always seems to get in the way. So last night we had a lesson with him and the Gonzalez's house. Sister Elicio (she has come with us quite a bit to visit him) also came. As we were driving to the lesson, we felt a little hesitant to want to invite him to be baptized because so many people would be there and we weren't sure if that would make him feel pressured or not. So before going in, we said a prayer that Heavenly Father would help us to know whether or not to invite him to be baptized. So we had planned on teaching about repentance because we were working through the 5 parts of the gospel of Jesus Christ. As we started the lesson, we were just having the hardest time keeping it going. Each angle we tried to take on it just didn't seem right. Everything we kept talking about seemed to get back to baptism. Hermana Aleman said that she had been praying through the whole lesson asking whether we should invite him or not and she kept getting a very clear yes. All of the kids kept running through and interrupting and we just felt so lost. Finally I just asked Johnny if he had been able to think anymore about baptism. His response? "Yeah, I've been thinking about it, and I feel like I'm ready. It's been a long time coming." The minute he said that, the spirit just exploded throughout the room. I literally could not speak. I was just so shocked! Hermana Aleman started tearing up and Mariana just started crying. I was thinking later about how that would feel, to love this gospel so much and want it so badly for your husband and then to finally hear him say that he is ready. My heart was just so welled up with all of the emotions that I could barely get the baptismal invitation out of my mouth. But I finally did and he agreed to getting baptized on August 9th. I haven't been this excited I think ever. This is the first time I have been able to really watch someones conversion happen! To be there through the good and bad, and to finally see that light in their eyes as they know that it is what they have to do. My heart just pounds every time I think about it. 

It is experiences like this that make me love being a missionary more and more and more. I just can't believe the time is flying by like it is. But I'm going to take it for all that it is worth!

So... there is really nothing that tops that. But something exciting was that it rained like crazy! We are finally getting some moisture! Hermana Aleman and I jumped in the puddles for a little bit and I just stood there and got soaked haha. It's the closest thing to swimming I can do hahaha.

Well I love you all so much. I want each and every one of you to know how much I love this work. It is the most fulfilling thing I've ever done and though it's been rough at times, I wouldn't give it up for the world(: I know that the gospel is true and that is changes lives. I have seen the power the book of Mormon has in the conversion of many and I love it. I love it I love it I love it. I want this excitement for all of you. Make the time to make this important. Make the time to have conversations with your Heavenly Father and to read the holy words he has given us. I can promise you that you will never regret it, but I can promise that you will regret it if you don't. I love you all! 

Have a good week!

Hermana Lundquist