Hola Everyone!
So we flew out Monday morning at 6 or 7, I cant remember. But we left the CCM at 2:30am! Crazy I got no sleep. Two of the elders were on the flight with us to Phoenix and then they went on to California and we went on to Tucson! My travel companion was the sister that I met on the Sisters Facebook page!
So we flew out Monday morning at 6 or 7, I cant remember. But we left the CCM at 2:30am! Crazy I got no sleep. Two of the elders were on the flight with us to Phoenix and then they went on to California and we went on to Tucson! My travel companion was the sister that I met on the Sisters Facebook page!
From the airport, President and Sister Killpack, took the arriving missionaries to the Mormon Battalion Monument in downtown Tucson, where President Killpack talked with us about commitment, and leaving behind all the cares of the world to focus on the work of the Lord. After a brief stop at the mission office to have lunch and meet the office staff, the Elders and Sisters received instruction and training from the Assistants to the President and President and Sister Killpack. Later that evening we dined together, took photographs and took the opportunity to discuss our purpose as missionaries.

And it's now legit, I'm in the field! Arizona is amazing and my trainer is the greatest! Her name is Sister Hale.
Well, I don't have much time to write, but I just wanted to let you all know how excited I am to do this work and I cannot wait to really dive in! This gospel is so true and I cannot wait to watch it change the lives of those I teach!
Well, I don't have much time to write, but I just wanted to let you all know how excited I am to do this work and I cannot wait to really dive in! This gospel is so true and I cannot wait to watch it change the lives of those I teach!
Love you all!
Hermana Lundquist