This week we were able to work a lot with some less active members of the branch. I have loved seeing lately how creating a relationship with someone, past just being their missionary, can really help us to help them. We have experienced a lot lately some members really opening up to us about what is going on in their lives and what they are struggling with. For example: This week we went to see a woman who adopted her daughters children, so she has a FULL house. On Sunday they were not able to make it to church. Rather than start off the lesson by bombarding her with questions, we just talked about her, got to know her a little bit more, and let the spirit guide. By the end she totally opened up to us about why they hadn't come to church on Sunday. They had had a really hard experience in their family that they are still struggling with. But because we listened to her, we were able to know what was going on, help them feel better, and help them to get some more help. I strongly believe that that would not have happened if we hadn't started out by just trying to be their friends and show them that we love them and actually care about what they have to say, what they are going through etc. I have experienced in my life that as I see people caring about me and my life, I feel so much more comfortable to confide in them and a lot of the time I come to see that they were the person Heavenly Father placed in my path to help me in certain times of my life. Showing our love for people really is so important. Because you never know when you will be able to have a chance to show it again. Take every opportunity to show the people you care about how much you love them.
This week Hermana Garcia got really sick, so we had quite a bit of down time. During that time I was able to go
back and look through my journal from my mission and remember experiences I have had. It has been incredible to see how much I have changed, how much I have learned, and how many people I have been blessed to meet. This past week was the last week before my final transfer. And for some reason, everyone decided to remind me about it all week. It was terrifying. I cannot believe how much has happened in my life in such a short time. I cannot believe how time has passed so quickly. I'm pretty sure I say that every week, but it really does fly right on by! I took some time this week to set some goals for these final 6 weeks. I am positive that I am going to see miracles. I cannot wait to see what the Lord has in store for this part of Arizona.
Thank you so much for the support and love you have been to me! I can't wait to tell you all about this final part of the adventure. I feel like I am part of Captain Moroni's army, heading towards the final battle with the Lamanites. All the practice, prayers, trials, and learning have lead up to this moment. I am ready, with the armor of God, to fight this battle. It is going to be a crazy one! But I know that the righteous always come out conqueror in the end.
Love yall! Have a good week!
Hermana Lundquist