I'm finally at the CCM (aka: MTC)! Today was a long day! The flight from Seattle to Atlanta was good... but I sat next to a family with a baby. Good thing she didn't cry too much. But 4 and a half hours was crazy! And dad you were right I totally had to rush to get to my connecting flight. It was literally at the other end of the airport and I had to take a shuttle. When I got there they hadn't started boarding yet, but I didn't see any other Sisters or Elders. But after we got on the plane I ended up being seated next to an Elder. The flight from Atlanta to Mexico was a lot easier and shorter. It was nice to have another missionary to talk to. We flew over the gulf of Mexico and that was a little scary. I just kept thinking about the show Lost where they crash into the Ocean. Flying into Mexico City was awesome! It is so colorful! All the buildings are pink and blue and green etc. etc. So we landed and ended up meeting up with another group of missionaries and there was a sister in that group named Hermana Astle. She is super nice and we got along so fast! Going through immigration was nerve-wracking but was easier than I thought. All they did was check my passport and the paper I had to fill out on the plane. I thought they were going to pat me down or send me through a metal detector or something! Then we met up with another group of missionaries that had another sister named Hermana Hope.

We all hopped on a bus and traveled through Mexico City to the CCM. Mexico City is awesome! Its a whole nother world! Everything is in Spanish and there are street vendors and we even saw a fire juggler in the middle of the street! So when we got to the CCM a huge group of Elders came up to welcome us and help us with our bags. Us Hermanas felt very outnumbered haha. Then we were given a packet that has all our information and wait for it, wait for it... MY NAMETAG!! oh yeah! Its official. I am Hermana Lundquist. No one can pronounce my name though so I might have to go by Hermana L. Its weird not to tell people my first name. I haven't met my companion yet but her name is Hermana Enniss.

Well I'm sorry I don't have a ton to say. Traveling isn't very exciting haha. But this place is amazing. It's like a little oasis in the middle of crazy Mexico City. The spirit is definitely present here. I cannot wait to start learning! Pretty soon these emails will be in all Spanish!
I love you family! Stay Strong!