I can't pick just a few things to talk about, I can't tell you all the life lessons I have learned (mostly because my
head is going in circles right now and I'm pretty sure I'm in the twilight zone), but one thing that I can tell you, that I am a special witness of, and that I hold so dear, is my testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
head is going in circles right now and I'm pretty sure I'm in the twilight zone), but one thing that I can tell you, that I am a special witness of, and that I hold so dear, is my testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
I know that we cannot make it back to him on our own. We are soooooo far from perfect. There had to be a way provided for us to be washed clean of the stains of sin. So God provided for us, a Savior, his son Jesus Christ, our big brother and best friend. The Atonement (or suffering of Christ for us) is always there, in its radiance and glory. As long as we are obedient, do our part, and apply the Atonement in our lives every day, we can have that hope to one day return to live with them.
I know that Joseph Smith was called by God to help restore the gospel, to bring us out of the darkness of the apostasy. He lived a life of hardship and constant trial. How many of us would have continued to put up with what he went through? I don't think I could have done it. But he did, because he knew it was true. And because of what he did, through the power of Jesus Christ, I too know that this gospel is the one and true fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
I know that it did not stop there. God has continued to call prophets to lead and guide us through these troubled days. We have a prophet now; Thomas S. Monson. I know that he is lead by God and that he can help us to know exactly what it is that our Heavenly Father would have us do. I have a very personal testimony of that. Almost 3 years ago, President Thomas S. Monson was led by God to announce that young women of the church could start serving missions at age 19. That announcement changed my life, and the lives of many others. I know that it was sent by God.
I have a testimony that God will ALWAYS qualify those He calls. We have all come here to earth for a purpose. We knew exactly what that purpose was before, and although we do not remember it now, it does not mean that we don't need to fulfill it. Whether we are called to serve a full time mission, be a stay at home parent, be a doctor that finds the cure for cancer, or even just to be a son or daughter of God that lives a life where others can feel His love through them. He will help us to do whatever it is that we need to. Just as Nephi says in 1 Nephi 3:7 " I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them".
I know that the scriptures are the word of God. I have come to love them so dearly. As I have been able to study them more deeply for the past 18 months, I have felt how they truly are "food for the soul". A day without reading the scriptures is like a day without eating- it just about kills me! I have found such comfort and peace and I read and find answers to my prayers or counsel from God. Although they are the same words for everyone, they are infinitely personal, because it is how our Heavenly Father talks to us, and we are each individual persons.
I have been so eternally grateful for the opportunity to be so involved in the lives of others for this past 18 months. I love being able to go into people's homes and teach them of the gospel, to be able to see the light that starts in their eyes when they feel the spirits promptings, the see them make choices in their lives that not only effect them for the better, but all those around them. I can't imagine what it will be like not to do this anymore. I have been so blessed.
These are just a few of the things I know and love. I challenge each of you to take a minute and think of or write down the things you know and love. As we share our testimonies, they grow stronger, because we can feel the spirit testifying of the truthfulness. Share your testimony! In this last week, I have set a goal to not only be a representative of Christ, but an extra special representative of Christ. This is my last opportunity to bear testimony of him as his missionary, and you can believe I am going to take every last bit of this opportunity.
I love you all so much. I am so thankful for all of the love, support, counsel, and prayers I have received from each one of you. I hope that you have been able to feel the spirit as you have heard about my mission. I hope that you have been able to see the change that has happened in my life, and I hope that it has been able to change your life too. Keep on keeping on y'all.
Para siempre Dios este con vos.
con amor,
Hermana Lundquist